Magazine Basic WordPress Theme

Free WordPress Theme - Demo & Download

Magazine Basic is a free theme for WordPress created by bandicootmarketing.

More information, screenshots and reviews of Magazine Basic Theme can be found here.


Theme Description

Create a truly unique design with Magazine Basic, a lightweight and fully responsive HTML5 theme based on the Gridiculous boilerplate. Use the Customizer to add your own background, page layout, site width and more. Distinguish each post with one of the eight supported post formats, such as: Video, Image, Aside, Status, Audio, Quote, Link and Gallery. Install JetPack to display each of your galleries through a tiled view and jQuery carousel. Compatible with bbPress & BuddyPress. Built using Bootstrap. Magazine Basic uses Google Fonts for improved typeface readability and works perfectly in desktop browsers, tablets and handheld devices. For a live demo go to

Source: Description for "Magazine Basic" Theme from


Theme Data

Theme Name
Magazine Basic
Theme Author
Active Installs
Latest Version
Last Updated
Min. WP version
no wp version provided
Min. PHP version
no php version provided

Theme Information


#buddypress #custom-background #custom-colors #custom-header #custom-menu #editor-style #featured-images #left-sidebar #microformats #one-column #post-formats #right-sidebar #sticky-post #theme-options #threaded-comments #translation-ready #two-columns


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